Motorrad Fanclub sucht ein geniales Logo
Wettbewerbs Details:
Wir selbst nennen uns "BMW GS Treiber Oberfranken". Für diesen Slogan suchen wir ein passendes, unserem Hobby entsprechendes Logo.
Mottos, die dazu passen, wären zum Beispiel: "Make life a ride" oder "Spirit of GS"
Private Gruppierung (Fanclub) ohne finanzielle Interessen
Farben, Logo-Favoriten und weitere Anforderungen
Das Logo inkl. Slogan soll auf T-Shirts. Die Grundfarbe der Shirts wird vermutlich schwarz sein. Das Logo sollte also auch auf schwarzen Textilien platziert werden können.
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Menni sagt :
WOW! So quick! Awesome! Maybe you can make another variation where the blue "wings" close in line with the bar. Currently it looks asymmetrical. I think it fits, but I'd still like to see it again in such a way that it gives the BMW sign, but without being overprinted by the bike. So the upper "wing" just a little bit further down, and the lower "wing" up - more towards the middle. Sorry for the effort. But then we can decide :) Thanks a lot!
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Menni sagt :
Pretty perfect! Now only the silhouette of the motorcycle would have to be changed. This one looks more like a racing bike than a GS class touring bike. You had made a similarly awesome logo before. With a very well suited silhouette. Can you please put it here, and then I think we have a winner :)
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