Motorrad Fanclub sucht ein geniales Logo
Wettbewerbs Details:
Wir selbst nennen uns "BMW GS Treiber Oberfranken". Für diesen Slogan suchen wir ein passendes, unserem Hobby entsprechendes Logo.
Mottos, die dazu passen, wären zum Beispiel: "Make life a ride" oder "Spirit of GS"
Private Gruppierung (Fanclub) ohne finanzielle Interessen
Farben, Logo-Favoriten und weitere Anforderungen
Das Logo inkl. Slogan soll auf T-Shirts. Die Grundfarbe der Shirts wird vermutlich schwarz sein. Das Logo sollte also auch auf schwarzen Textilien platziert werden können.
solaram sagt
Hi Menni!
Sorry for the late answer and thanks for the ratings and remarks it really helps when the client have a vision of what he wishes his project to be!
Here's some variations of the modification you asked for, like always if you have any request or remarks about this entry, please feel free to ask! i'll try to answer ASAP ;)
Sol. -
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solaram sagt
Sorry for the mistake i copied the text from the english version of the brief, here's a fixed version.
i have another idea for a design, but in order to focus my efforts can please tell me what kind of use you think you'll use the logo for? (clothes, stickers, stationery etc)
Best Regards,
Sol -
Menni sagt :
Hi Sol! Great Design! I currently favour the one on the top left with the stylized motorcycle in the "German colours". We would probably print that on black shirts. Therefore I would like to ask you to do it with a black background and to integrate the color red and white for the fine lines in the fender. These colors can be found in the coat of arms of Upper Franconia, which underlines the local reference to us.
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Menni sagt :
Also very nice! But even here not „Driver“ but „Treiber“ :)
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solaram sagt
Here's a first design proposal for your logo, hope it's suits your vision,
If you have any request or remarks about this entry or any of the following ones, please feel free to ask!
Best Regards,
Sol -
Menni sagt :
Great!!! But not „Driver“ but „Treiber“
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