La Bohème
Wettbewerbs Details:
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Primär handelt es sich um einen Tangosalon, der sich in einem Kunsthaus neben diversen Ateliers befindet. Dort soll Tango Argentino unterrichtet und getanzt wird. Der Salon - der etwas wie aus der Zeit gefallen anmutet - soll aber auch als eine Art Kultursalon dienen, in dem Jazz oder kleine Acoustic-Konzerte stattfinden können, Lesungen etc.
La Bohème ist der Name des Salons und je nach Event soll dann mit Unterclaims
La Bohème - der TangoSalon im Kunsthaus
La Bohème - der AcousticSalon im Kunsthaus
La Bohème - der JazzSalon im Kunsthaus
Stil sollte elegant, verspielt sein, an die alte Zeit der 20erJahre anmuten.
Logo darf Farben haben wie grün, braun, rot, grau (siehe Farben wie im Foto anbei) sollte aber auch unifarben in weiss funktionieren
Kultursalon für Tango Argentino, Acoustickonzerte, Jazzzkonzerte, Lesungen, Kulturveranstaltungen
mittleres Alter 35-60, gebildet, kulturinteressiert, Bonvivants
Farben, Logo-Favoriten und weitere Anforderungen
ZeitART sagt :
Now it's right with the "è";) and what I asked was to have this small ornament over the name. In the name only version you can also drop off the subclaim
I think you like it right? As you can see the logo can take all the solutions, with and without ornaments. You decide which versions you prefer, when you will receive this logo, if you choose it as a winner.
I think you like it right? As you can see the logo can take all the solutions, with and without ornaments. You decide which versions you prefer, when you will receive this logo, if you choose it as a winner.
I think you like it right? As you can see the logo can take all the solutions, with and without ornaments. You decide which versions you prefer, when you will receive this logo, if you choose it as a winner.
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Beschreibung des Designers FABRIZIO:
an example of a coordinated image with the logo without ornaments and with graphic ornaments.
ZeitART sagt :
Cool. So I guess it's usable in both ways.
Just some some things to add. On the "è" of la Bohème there has to be an accent. And can you add a small ornament over the Logo without the ornaments, the on, that is inside of the big ornaments? -
ZeitART sagt :
Cool. So I guess it's usable in both ways.
Just some some things to add. On the "è" of la Bohème there has to be an accentl. And can you add a small ornament over the Logo without the ornaments, the on, that is inside of the big ornaments? -
I hope I have understood well. Now I am making the changes and I will soon publish my drawing again
sorry, can you explain what you mean by "on"? Thank you
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ZeitART sagt :
I just think if it might make sense to use from case to case the whole logo or only the typo with the small inner ornaments e.g like in the background or the door sign the whole one, but for combination with other infos just e typo. Can you separate the typo as an example?
Sorry, what do you mean by "typo"? Sorry, what do you mean by "typo"? the translator the word "typo" translates into: ERROR OF TEXT
ZeitART sagt :
Oh sorry, I meant the "font", the "name"
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Beschreibung des Designers FABRIZIO:
Other solutions of your logo, printed on different paper supports
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ZeitART sagt :
Great! Thank you. That helps a lot to imagine how it can look like in the CI. And cool to see it works in the compact version as well. In this eliptic sign it also looks great:)
Thank you very much for appreciating my work :-)
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Beschreibung des Designers FABRIZIO:
a more compact version
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thank you very much for the feedback. If you have other special requests, ask. Greetings from Fabrizio
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ZeitART sagt :
Looks very fine. Would be interesting how it looks on white background and/or in one colour. The typo of the subclaim of the other version looked also nice. Does it work in this combination as well?
now I change what you requested and I hope to also get 5 stars :-) Greetings from Fabrizio
thank you very much for the feedback. If you have other special requests, ask. Greetings from Fabrizio
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in these examples I have included all the solutions, with:
La Bohème - der TangoSalon im Kunsthaus
La Bohème - der AcousticSalon im Kunsthaus
La Bohème - der JazzSalon im Kunsthaus -
Thank you so much for the good feedback.
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Thank you so much for the good feedback. If you have special requests, please ask, so I will show you other examples. Greetings. Fabrizio
ZeitART sagt :
Nice idea, would be intetesting how it works with the subclaims:
La Bohème- Der Tangosalon im Kunsthaus -
ok now I'll prepare the required example
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