Banner Wasserpflanzenversand / Aquarienpflanzenversand
Wettbewerbs Details:
Bronze Paket
Dabei soll Kaufinteresse für Aquarienpflanzen geweckt werden,
728 x 90 pixels, "leaderboard":
468 x 60 pixels, "full banner":
120 x 600 pixels, "skyscraper
Banner soll für einen Onlineshop erstellt werden, welcher sich auf Onlineversand von Aquaristikprodukte und Zubehör für Aquarien spezialisiert hat.
Menschen interessiert an Aquarien und deren einrichtung
Farben, Logo-Favoriten und weitere Anforderungen
Beschreibung des Designers YoungZdesigner:
Hello again,
sorry for the late reply. Here is my another design. Hope you like it.
May I upload banners (728x90 and 468x60) or you've already picked the winner?
Thanks. -
Kekule sagt :
thank you for your effort, but I picked the winner.
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Beschreibung des Designers YoungZdesigner:
Hi there,
here's my first animated (gif) banner (120x600px).
Hope you like it :)
D. -
YoungZdesigner sagt
Call to action button is in English (Shop now). If you want a different text, let me please know. If you want on the banner different fish, write me please its name.
Thanks in advance for the feedback.
D. -
Kekule sagt :
Hi, the Call to action button is OK, I do have the feeling, the logo isn't that sharp as it could be possible.
instead of the fish, a "red Bee Shrimp" will be more suitable
Instead of "Ab 20€ Bestellsumme versandkostenfrei geliefert wird" please use " Versandkostenfreie Lieferung ab 80€ Bestellsumme"
Thank you -
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